March 21, 2018
Dr. David Hogan has been appointed to a multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral panel for the Assessment of Evidence and Best Practices for the development of a Canadian Dementia Strategy
Foundation Board Member Dr. David Hogan, academic lead of the Brenda Strafford Centre on Aging at the University of Calgary, has been appointed to a federal panel on aging and dementia. Hogan is one of six experts called upon to help advance a Canadian Dementia Strategy.
Canada’s aging population and the increasing prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias pose a significant challenge for Canadian families and their caregivers, and more broadly, for the health care system. Recognizing the importance of developing and implementing an effective strategy to address this challenge, the Minister of Health of Canada, through the Public Health Agency of Canada, asked the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) to provide an evidence-informed and authoritative assessment on the state of knowledge to help advance federal priorities under the National Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Act.
To address the charge, the CAHS assembled a multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral panel of six experts with a range of expertise, experience, and demonstrated leadership in this domain.
The CAHS Panel for the Assessment of Evidence and Best Practices for the development of a Canadian Dementia Strategy includes: